Thursday, April 7, 2011

13. There’s Nothing To Say, Just Be Speechless.






“Luna! What has my answer been the first twenty million times you asked?” Orion asked through gritted teeth as we walked back through a forest to see Cassie.






“Stop that!” He wailed. “I swear if I was locked in a room with you, I’d die within the hour.”

“You probably would.” I grinned. “Can I please have a piggy back ride?”

“You have legs. Use them.”

“But what if I have some rare disease that will make me crippled if I keep walking? Then you’ll have to take care of me for the rest of your life.”



“FINE! But no talking.”

“Luna!” Cassie screamed, running to meet us. “EEEEEE!!!!” she squealed as she tackled the both of us.

“OWWWWWW. My arm doesn’t bend that way!” Orion yelped.

“Then why did it just bend that way?” I asked.


“You’re back!!!” Cassie shrieked.

“Thank you, Sherlock.”

“Where were you?”

“Places that are of no concern to you. Anything happen while we were gone?” I yawned, flopping back, onto the grass.

“Not really, some guy stole my wallet then I think he got mauled by a bear.” She said, looking deep in thought.

“No, I meant anything important.” I stared back blankly.

“Ummm, nope, don’t think so. Oh! Yeah, something did. I saw a bat in a tree.”

“And you didn’t tell me sooner?! Let’s go, I wanna see it!” I bolted up and started pushing her.

“It’s over there.” She pointed to one of the giant purple trees nearby.

“Cassie. This is a cat. Not a bat.” I trotted over to her and Orion holding the tiny black cat in my arms.

“Really?” she asked wide-eyed.


“Yes?” she giggled, reaching out towards the cat only to have it hiss at her and bat her hand away.

“Be glad you’re pretty.”


“Because you’re almost as smart as a pile of rocks.”

“I’m like a bunch of brains put together?”



“I think I just lost some IQ points. If you need me, I’ll be bashing my head against some rocks trying to circulate the blood through my brain.”


ellie said...

I love that about being smart as a pile of rocks....

molly said...

You are so good at this. Poor Orion..when will he ever catch a break..never..I'm sure.

cady said...

If only such manipulative people were as delightful in real life.